Spanish Agency of Medicines and Cosmetics Watchdog

Spanish Agency of Medicines (AEMPS)

The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS), a state agency attached to the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare, is responsible for guaranteeing the quality, safety, effectiveness and correct labelling of medications and healthcare products, and also cosmetics, from the public service perspective, from research to end use, in order to protect and promote human and animal health and the environment.

In Spain, the reference healthcare authority for cosmetics is the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).

In 2018, it received a total of 88 notifications of undesirable effects, both from healthcare professionals and from consumers and companies, 56 of which related to cosmetics, again demonstrating the sector’s high safety level.

Spanish Cosmetics Watchdog

The Spanish monitoring system that works to prevent undesirable effects in cosmetic and personal care products, Sistema Español de Cosmetovigilancia, or the Cosmetics Watchdog, gathers, records, checks and evaluates reports of undesirable effects, which are made through official organisations, by healthcare professionals and by consumers, taking appropriate measures to safeguard public health.